Here are a few more vintage drawings from the Bauza Vault. I whipped up these model sheets based off of a really funny bit from an episode of "The Ripping Friends." Some of the shows would end off with a little segment called "Rip-A-Long with The Ripping Friends." The Ripping Friends would reach into a mailbag and read young viewers complaints about things that bothered them in everyday living. The Ripping Friends would then show up to the viewer's house and take care of the situation at hand. In this particular "Rip-A-Long" an old couple is being terrorized by a disgusting fat cat named "Mr. Pungent Puss." The Friends send Jimmy the Idiot Boy to save the day! This segment has a really funny gag where Mr. Pungent Puss takes a HUGE crap, and you can only see what is happening from the shadow on the wall (a gag that was later recycled in “Stimpy's Pregnant.”)