Sunday, July 27, 2008

G.I. JOE Resolute!!!

Sadly I didn't get to go to the San Diego Comic-Con this year, but already images and news from Hasbro's G.I. Joe panel have emerged on the web with a whole lot of buzz!!! The story is written by comic book author Warren Ellis, produced by Sam Register and directed by Joaquim De Santos. Character designs are by comic book artist Dave Johnson.

A couple of months ago, I was lucky enough to get on board this project to do voices for a few of G.I. Joe's classic characters! I had a blast working with Hasbro and Titmouse Animation Studios, and I cannot wait to see how the series will turn out!!!


Chris Battle said...

Awesome... you're blogging again! The new GI JOE looks cool.

Let me guess... you're voicing The Baroness??

Eric Bauza said...

Hahahaha - you are correct sir... and yes I'm bloggin again!!! Or at least tryin!

Elnasr company said...

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انتشار الحشرات والافات